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Showcasing Naturally Athletic Young Men
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Fit & Famous - Photoset to Purchase Separately with a Current Membership

Fit Young Men: Model Alex Beach - Surfing Dude & Fashion Model Alex is Naked - Beautiful Physique

Alex Beach

Alex Beach - Surfing Dude & Fashion Model Alex is Naked - Beautiful Physique
Published 18 Jan 2017
Published 18 Jan 2017
Existing members, log in to purchase. Existing members, log in to purchase. Previous members, please rejoin to buy this set for $47.31 with access until your membership expires or for at least 30 days. To buy Alex's photos you need a current FYM membership & at least 1 previous membership of FYM or Englishlads.com that's completed 31 days. The photo sizes available to you are the same as your FYM membership.

Alex modelled for us quite some time ago and after his shoot I recommended he do a few walk-ins at some of the top model agencies. He was quickly snapped up and has since gone on and done a lot in the industry. He is a very laid back young lad who has surfed through his teenage years and seems to enjoy nothing more than taking all his clothes off and showing off his body to all his friends! He is very relaxed about being naked and says after a few drinks he is nearly always the one to get naked. I am not surprised he is so chilled about showing off his body since he has a nice lean and tall physique and one enticing long muscle that hangs down rather a long way! A fun lad happy to get naked. These photos are a bigger set than we first released and also now available in the ultra large 3000 by 2000 pixel size. 235 photographs.